Yoni Magna's Message About Zemedkun Bekele



He showed us how discouraged he was by posting random quotes from a religious teacher, rather than systematically disproving his relatives's ideas. It is possible to imagine what kind of files filled the person’s cell phone with the person who came across his or her obscene images while browsing the Internet. When it comes to saying a sin, "Islam says it," it is a self-aggrandizing agenda, but bringing a photo of an unknown person searching the internet for nothing is more than exposing the person to the pool. ...

I won't post it even if I find images that are unnecessary Orthodox believer. Even if the image is true and the believer applies it, that error is not the error of the individual, but the faith. Faith is required not to be discussed in the context of the scriptures but in the sinner's faith. It would have been better for the believer to explain to the believer the stories of Eransa-el, as I have set you below, rather than the humiliating and disgraceful person. This is the function of a good teacher ..! What is it to teach the believer to kiss the mouth of a woman and a woman in a widely-read volume, which is similar to the church in Aramaic? እንዲህ Is same-sex homosexuality allowed in Christianity?

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