VOA - Interview with Awoliya committee Br. Ahmedin Jebel


  • DH

    I swear to fight ahbashis for ever as long as I'm alive

  • nebil

    MashAllah good response, Allah yirdan!!!!!!!!!!! Ahmedin Jebel
    But it needs a strategic and wise procedure to tackle the problem after this. We have to be caution enough not to do the same mistake as others do before; this is the time for the committee to lead the people, not to be led by the people. Something has to be done before reporting the results, because some emotional people or others who want to devour the movement may lead it to unanticipated direction and we come out of result having high scarification. So please follow what you have said in the interview until the last point. May Allah be with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Allah bless ethiopia,

  • miftahi jemal

    ወመከሩ ወመከረላሁ ወላሁ ከይሩል ማክሪን ብሎዋል እና አላህ የኢትዮፕያ ሙስሊሞችን የሚጮቅኑ ሰዎችን ተንኮላቸውን በነሱ ላይ ይመልስባቸው::inshallah የሙስሊም ጠላቶችን እስከ መጨረው እንታገላቸዋለን::