
Sad Story , the imam who pray alone



It will be remembered that the Bilal Mosque located in Kasha Kebele Old Settlement in Durame City, Kembata Tmbaro Zone in the South region.

the Muslims living in the area and even the wife and children of the imam of the mosque have been killed and the muezzin and imam of the mosque, Sheikh Muhammad Noor, are praying alone in the mosque.

After it was revealed that in this big mosque, they are praying alone in Iqam while calling out the call to prayer, there is great sadness and sadness in all of us.

It was stated that the mosque was damaged due to the lack of renovation and that it was raining and needed other renovations.

There was a call for the local Muslim community to return to their religion, for the empty mosque to be filled with congregation, and for the Muslim community to work together to bring back those who were afraid.

Our beloved Ustaz Sadiq Muhammad (Abu Haider), who has already received the information about this serious matter, is arresting many projects.

mosques and madrassas that have come down to the ground to fight the blasphemy campaign of the Akhfrot forces in the southern region.

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