MuslimByChoice - Is the Qur'an miraculous? ( Abdullah's Opening Statement - 1 of 4 )


Is the Qur'an Miraculous?From where Muhammad (pbuh) got his revelations?Is the Qur'an truly the literal word of God?Representing the Muslim perspective was Brother Abdullah Kunde: Brother Abdullah, a revert to Islam is a young scholar on Islam and comparative religion from AustraliaHe has studied Biblical studies and Jewish Civilization from the University of SydneyHe is now studying Medicine at the University of New South walesWhile studying at the University of Sydney Abdullah was heavily involved in Islamic Awareness Activities including debates and discussions with various religious backgroundsHe also taught and facilitated a course about development of Hebrew and Christian Scriptures for an Islamic education center.He runs his blog www.ideologiaeislam.wordpress.comRepresenting the Christian side was Mr Samuel Green, Mr Green is a Christian Scholar from the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical students (AFES).He has a national ministry engaging in conversation and debate with Muslim people.He is a writer for, he has written hundreds of articles on Islam and Christianity.He is an active in Christian ministry as a bible teacher on University campuses.He's been involved in Christian Muslim Discussions and dialogs for the last 15 years.He runs his blog www.reading-the-quran.blogspot.comAbdullah Kundevs.Samuel Green( Revesby Presbyterian Church, Revesby, Australia December 10, 2011 )
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