MuslimByChoice - Is the Bible historically reliable? Ken Humphreys vs. David Instone Brewer


Is the Bible historically reliable?Who really wrote the Bible?Representing the con side was Mr. Kenneth Humphreys; Mr. Humphreys is the author of "Jesus Never Existed". He's been running the website for about 10 years.Representing the pro side was Dr. David Instone-Brewer; Dr. Instone-Brewer is Senior Research Fellow in Rabbinics and the New Testament at Tyndale House.The Topic: Is the Bible historically reliable?Ken Humphreys ( Instone Brewer (イエス・キリスト 耶稣 Jésus 예수 기독교 يسوع Jesús христианском キリスト教 Христианство Cristianismo Christianisme 基督教 聖書 성경 Biblia Bibbia
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