LifewithAllah - The Reality of Life - All of you MUST WATCH


Playlist: extremely beautiful clip from one of the most amazing scholars and worshipers of our time, Sheikh Muhammad Mukhtar Ash-Shinqitee, from the holy city of Madinah. A translated extract from his lecture "Al Hayaat At-Tayyibah" ("The Goodly Life"), in which he discusses the realities of the life of this temporary world and man's relationship with it, and most importantly his relationship with his Creator. Although the word "he" is used throughout the video, the Sheikh is referring to what affects all people men or women, and "he" was used for brevity.Some Famous Websites:http://kalamullah.comhttp://Islamicemirate.comhttp://hoor-al-ayn.comhttp://sunnahonline.comhttp://islamhouse.comhttp://thedeenshow.comhttp://islamqa.comhttp://bilalphilips.comhttp://understand-islam.net
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