LifewithAllah - Response: Placing The Hands On The Chest In Salah Hanafi Fiqh Seekers Quest Abdur Ra


Imaam At-Tirmithi said: 'The people of knowledge from the companions their successors and the scholars who came after them are agreed that right hand should be placed over left hand during prayers. Some of them are of the opinion that the hands should be placed above the navel while others are of the opinion that they should be placed below the navel. Both practices are acceptable'. Response Placing the hands n the chest in Salah hanafi fiqh channel Note: Seeing the state of this Ummah, I really feel no pleasure in responding to the Liars of this Ummah that try to disunite the ummah on such minor isses and Invite people to Blindly follow the hanafi Madhab and reject the Sunnah. This was NEVER EVER done by the great scholars of this Ummah whether it were the 4 famous imaams or the greater or less great imaams, scholars, fuqaha and mujtahideen of this Ummah. Infact it is unanimous that if a Person Deliberately rejects a Sunnah... Then that person becomes a Kaafir. There is a Sufi group that came into existance after the 1850's by the help of the "English" and use the name of the great Imam Abu Hanifa rahimahullah to fool the People and disunite the ummah on issues which were NEVER EVER the reasons for the disunity of the Ummah. They Claim to be Hanafis but they are no where near or close to being Hanafis. They are Deobandis and they do not follow the aqeedah of Imam Abu Hanifa rahimahullah at all. Following are the few links which are More than enough as proof for Placing...
English Da'awa
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