LifewithAllah - Response Hanafi Fiqh Channel Womens Prayer According To Quran And Sunnah


Complete authentic Sunnah Prayer: help taken from our The Best Book on Salaah Completely Based on Quran and Authentic Sunnah: Or This is the best Book on Salah in Urdu: Or Some people reject the Sunnah of prophet mohammad Sal Allahu aleyhi wasallam in the name of taqleed and Madhab. They propogate indirect rejection of the Sunnah as you can see in this video that what sort of double standards they apply in terms of presenting "evidence" of their way of prayer. They forget that only Allah and the prophet mohammad pbuh has the right to discriminate in prayer. Scholars like ibrahim Nakhi (teacher of Imam Abu hanifa rah)say that a womans actions in the prayer are the same as it is for men. Ibraaheem an-Nakh'i said, "A woman's actions in the prayer are the same as a man's" - transmitted by Ibn Abi Shaibah (1/75/2) Ibn e Hazm (rah) " There is no difference in the prayer of men and women " [ Al-Muhalla 3/37] Ibn-e-Qudaima (rah) "In reality there are same rulings proven for men and women prayer except it is mustahhab for her to cover(gather) herslef in Ruku and Sujood" [ Al-Mughni 2/258] Similarly Imam Shokani, Ibn Hajar and others (May Allah have mercy on them all) have disregarded some of the actions of the hanafis in Salaah. I appeal to my brothers that have recited the kalma... Do not Invite the Anger of Allah on this Ummah by giving preferance to your madhab...
English Da'awa
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