LifewithAllah - New Anwar Al Awlaki - Love For The Sunnah


We should always give preferance to Quran and Sunnah like the sahaba did but unfortunately there is a group in this Ummah that prefers absolute blind following of their sect over Quran and sunnah even if Quran and sunnah goes against their Sect. Following are some more dangerous teachings of the same sect which they preach and brain wash people in the name of Following a madhab with absolute blindness: 1) Some one wrote to Mufti Muhammad Deobandi of Darul Ifta, Nazimabad Karachi and asked him a question, along with that the questioner requested to satisfy us with Daleel (Proof). In response to the so called daleel, the mufti gave verdict of his sect and said that "THE BIGGEST DALEEL FOR A MUQALLID IS THE SAYING OF HIS IMAM" [Weekly Zarb-e-Momin Vol 3 Edition 15, April 1999, Pg 6 under the column "Aap ke Masaail ka Hal (the solution to your Issues) 2) Volume 1, Book 10, Number 553: Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever could get one Rak'a (of the Fajr prayer) before sunrise, he has got the (morning) prayer..." The deobandis are against this sahi hadeeth, Mufti Rasheed Ahmed Ludhyanvi Deobandi says in response to this hadeeth "Our Fatwa and act will remain according to the saying our Imam rahimahullah because we are the muqallids of Imam(Abu hanifa) rahimahullah and the Hujjah(proof/evidence) for a muqallid is the saying of His Imaam" [Irshaad ul Qaari ila Sahi Al Bukhari pg 412] Further he says that the Ahlul Bidah leave hanafi fiqh and Do Istidlaal from Quran and hadeeth [Irshad...
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