LifewithAllah - Mumtaz Ul Haq Vs Sheikh Abu Usama At Thahabi Mistake Blind Following Abu Bakr Hanafi


Message to Deobandis: Save your selves from hell fire before your blind belief in the liars take you to hell fire along with them. We see christians and other kuffaar talking without Daleel and just playing with people's emotions and trash talk the muslims and now you see deobandis doing the same. We see the shia lies in order to prove their religion to be correct and now we see deobandis doing the same. The Stupidity of Mumtaz ul Baatil and the (by name Hanafi but in reality) Deobandi fiqh channel can go to any limit to justify their Blind following and this clip is another example of the level of stupidity which these people have reached. May Allah protect us from these people and make us follow the Fiqh of Islam which is taken directly from Quran and sunnah with the understanding of the sahaba and salafs. Click here for more responses to the deobandi fiqh channel May Allah guide us and make our lives according to the Sunnah and not according to any mujtahid. We love and respect all mujtahideen from the salafs and the haqq, but NO ONE ON EARTH is greater than our beloved prophet Sal Allahu aleyhi wasallam. The following websites are based on Pure Quran and Sunnah insha Allah http urdu websites http http pashto website: Mumtaz ul Haq VS Sheikh Abu Usama At thahabi Blind following Abu Bakr or Stupidity of Hanafi fiqh Channel? salafi shia lecture trailer 2012
English Da'awa
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