Khalifahklothing - Why Are We Here? What Is The Purpose Behind Everything? - Yusuf Estes - Beauties


"There is a God!", this is the same the conclusion that many scientists, thinkers, and philosophers over the centuries have accepted. Testable evidences, Scientific discoveries, and just the innate nature of man are some of the reason which led these sort of people to believe in God. Introduction [start time 00:14] There is a God! [start time 01:00] The Logical Proves [start time 03:28] Do you have to see, here, or feel everything that exist? [start time 05:48] Electricity Heat Cold Darkness Brain Conclusion [start time 12:14] auties of Islam" with Sheikh Yusuf Estes on HudaTV. Nineteenth episode: Date of episode: 5-January-09
English Da'awa
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