Khalifahklothing - The Walking Qur'an - Shaykh Assim al-Hakeem


Al Muntada Al Islami once again brings you the spring Qur'an dawrah 2012 program. which consisted of students memorizing the Qur'an in the masjid, this was a 24 hour event that lasted for 8 days.At the end of each day there was a lecture by a guest speaker relating to the Qur'an.This lecture was: Day 1 Thursday 29th of March 2012 The Walking Qur'an by Shaykh Assim al-Hakeem
English Da'awa
The, Walking, Qur'an, Islamic, lectures, sunnah, way, Quran, Koran, Qur'anic, Invocations, Sheikh, Shaykh, Assim, al-Hakeem, religion, faith, kuran, hadith, Spirituality, holy, book, bible, qur'aan, furkan, good, news, old, testament, new, islam, muhammad, kerim, Morals, Wisdom, Reading, sunnahway
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