
Hidaya Tube Analysis By Yahya




be’oromīya iyetet’era yalewi selifi yehagerini lu‘alawīneti yemīfetatenewi yewich’i ḫayilina silit’anini meliso mek’onat’et’i yemīshu ākurafī budini yak’enebaberuti newi āle ye’oromīya kilili selamina ts’et’ita āsitedaderi bīro፡፡ yekililu selamina ts’et’ita āsitedaderi bīro ḫalafī āto jibirīli mehamedi zarē beset’uti gazēt’awī megilech’a yeselifu ‘alema hizibini bemadenageri menigisitini ādakimo silit’ani yemek’onat’et’i filagotini yanegebe mehonuni ābiraritewali፡፡ hagerītu ye’āsichekwayi gīzē āwaji wisit’i hona yekorona wererishinyini bemitiwagabeti be’āhuni wek’iti yemīt’era selifi yehizibuni t’ēna sigati layi kemet’alumi belayi yehagerini hiliwina le’ādega yemagalet’i sēra meyazunimi halafīwi t’ek’umewali፡፡ be’ītiyop’iya lezemenati yalitesitewalewini yedēmokirasīna fitihi hīdetini iwini lemadiregi ābekiro sīsera yek’oyewi yelewit’i āmerari balefuti huleti ‘ametati yepoletīka mihidarini bemasifati፣ yesebi‘awī mebiti āyayazi t’ik’uri mezigebochini bemasifak’i yalitelemedewini yepoletīka imirita bemasimezigebi ‘alemini yasamene wit’ēti betegibari masayetuni āto jibirīli mehamedi bemegilech’achewi t’ek’umewali፡፡ yihunina bezīhi hīdeti wisit’i beye’ākababīwi gedayi budinochini bemaderajiti beye’iletu yesewi hiyiwetini yemīk’et’ifu፣ nibiretochachewinimi yemīzerifu yemīyawedimu፣ ye’āfirashineti sira layi yetet’emedu hayilochi yehagerawī lewit’una yedēmokirasī shigigiruni āt’abik’īnyi wisit’i ketewiti mek’oyetuni āsitawisewali፡፡ beteleyayu sifirawochi yemeshegu inezīhi hayilochi yemīfets’imutini wenijeli wede menigisiti bemalakeki sērani sīyak’enebabiru፣ yehigawī paritī senedi bemeyazimi behigewet’i tegibari sīsemaru yemīwilu nachewimi bilewali፡፡ hagerini bemateramesi hizibinimi lesek’ok’a yemedaregi tegibari layi yetesemaruti inezīhi hayilochi yelēla hayili teli’iko āsifets’amī bemehoni yepoletīka dirama sīch’awetu inidemīwilumi newi bemegilech’awi yetenesawi፡፡ lezīhimi yehageri dehininetini ādega layi lemet’ali yegili t’ik’imini yemīsebesibu፣ hizibinimi ledemi āfasashi gich’iti sīk’esek’isu yemīwilu yemīdīya tek’wamatini menigisiti āhuni yemayitagesibeti dereja layi deriswalimi newi yaluti ḫalafīwi፡፡ semonuni be’ītiyop’iya yepoletīkenyochini ājenida bemewisedi mīzanawīnetina halafīnetimi begodelewi meliku yesebi‘awī mebiti reget’a inidale bemasimeseli zegeba yawet’awi āmīnīsitī īniterinashinali yesebi‘awī mebiti temwagachi sayihoni ye’ānidi poletīka paritī lisani mesilo inideneberimi gelits’ewali፡፡. tek’wamu hizibini yemīyafenak’ilu፣ betederaje melikumi inidashachewi yemīgedilutini budinochi zegeba sayat’ara tech’ebach’i iwinetanimi zenigito yawet’awi mereja tek’ebayineti yelēlewi mehonunimi āsireteditewali፡፡ āhuni degimo hagerina hizibi layi yanizhabebutini ādegawochi wede goni bemetewi bezīhi wek’iti hizibini letek’awimo yemīk’esek’isu hayilochi bedibik’i ājenida iyetenik’esak’esu newi yaluti ye’oromīya kilili selamina ts’et’ita āsitedaderi bīro ḫalafī āto jibirīli mehamedi hizibu yihinini āsik’edimo līgenezebi yigebali sīlu t’eyik’ewali፡፡ yihi selifi tek’ebayineti yelēlewina sēra yetemolabeti newi yaluti halafīwi bekorona wererishinyi mikiniyati hagerītu ye’āsichekwayi gīzē āwaji wisit’i hona balechibetina yehidasē gidibi zurīya yanizhabebewini yehageri lu‘alawīneti fetenani yalagenazebe mehonuni āsireditewali፡፡ selifuni yemīyasitebabiru hagerina hizibini lesek’ok’a yedareguna lenesumi yemīlalaku nachewi bilewali āto jibirīli፡፡ be’āt’ek’alayi hizibi፣ ye’āsitedaderina yets’et’ita mewak’iru begara bemek’enajeti yehizibi t’ēna፣ dehininetina yehageri lu‘alawīneti layi yetek’at’utini ākahēdochi līyasik’omuti yigebalimi tebilwali፡፡ hagerawī t’ik’imini lepoletīka fijota yemīyawilu yewich’i teli’iko āsifets’amīwochi rasachewini bejeginineti iyak’erebu bemehonu hibiretesebu yihinini inidīleyimi yekililu selamina ts’et’ita āsitedaderi bīro halafī āsasibewali፡፡
The Oromia peace process is organized by an arrogant group that seeks to reestablish the sovereignty of the nation, Oromia Regional Bureau of Peace and Security said.
In a press release today, Head of the Regional Peace and Security Administration Bureau, Jibril Mohamed, explained that the demonstration was aimed at disrupting the government and discouraging power.
He said the country, which is currently under an emergency proclamation of fighting the Corona epidemic, has endangered the health of the population and is planning to endanger the country's survival.

In his last two years, the leadership of reform, who has worked hard to make the process of democracy and justice unprecedented in Ethiopia, has shown the world-changing effect by extending the political space, extending the black record of human rights.
However, during the process, he organized a group of killers in the area, daily reclaiming human life, destroying their property, and occupying the destructive forces, leaving the transitional state and the transition to democracy at bay.

He said that these forces, which are hiding in different places, are involved in planning a crime by sending a conspiracy to the government and carrying out legal party documents.
It is said that these forces, who are involved in the mismanagement of the country and the public, are playing a political drama in the execution of another mission. To this end, the government has reached a point where the government is no longer tolerating media organizations that collectively seek to endanger the security of the nation, triggering a bloody conflict.

The Amnesty International, which recently reported on the Ethiopian government's agenda of imposing unfair and irresponsible human rights on its part, said it looked like the language of a political party, not a human rights activist.
The institute also asserted that the information that the fact sheet has failed to document is not acceptable, without having to account for the reports of the groups that are being massacred and organized.

Now, Oromia Regional Bureau of Peace and Security Administration (Oromia) Bureau Head of the Oromia Regional Administration, Oromia, asked the public to be aware of this in advance, ignoring the threat posed by the country and the people.
He said the demonstration was unacceptable and the plot was disregarding the country's sovereignty challenge in the wake of the Corona epidemic and the Renaissance Dam.

It is the country and the people that are organizing the rally, which has sent trauma to the people and sent to them, he said.
It is also said that the people, the administration and the security structure should co-operate in a way that will put an end to the scandals against public health, security and national sovereignty.
He urged the public to identify this, as foreign mission executives, who serve national interests for political purposes, are volunteering.
Addis Mieraf
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