GreenLaneMosque - Church Converted To A Mosque - Green Lane Mosque


Church Converted Into a Mosque Since its establishment of the Green Lane Mosque in Birmingham in the early 70's, the Masjid Mosque has gone through numerous phases of development and progress. The building itself has become a landmark of the area and is well-known to all, with a colorful history behind the structure. The Green Lane Mosque is based in Birmingham and is one of the Biggest and well known mosques in United Kingdom 1890 Land was secured for the building of a Free Public library and used as A church by the Local Population 1893 Library was officially opened also served a meeting point for Local Christian community 1894 Land secured and approval gained for the building of the swimming pools and public baths. 1896 A well was sunk to supply water to the building, capable of supplying 8300 gallons per hour. 1897 Work commenced on building the swimming pools and public baths at a cost of £30000. 1902 Public baths and Swimming pools were officially opened. 1940 Swimming baths were destroyed through enemy action on the night of 18 October 1940. 1951 Work commenced to rebuild the swimming baths. 1977 Public library and Swimming baths moved to new facility at Muntz Street 1979 Building acquired for use as the Mosque becaouse of Birmingham Islam.
Green Lane Mosque
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