Daily Ethiopian Amharic News



According to the Addis Ababa Police Commission, a 65-year-old man who raped two children at the age of 25 and a adopted son were sentenced to 11 months and nine months in jail.

The 65-year-old man who worked as a security guard at a private enterprise near the Aklan Kaliti sub-district of 10 Akan Gura, said the commission's Director of Children and Women's Investigation and Care at the Commission said that the two children, aged between 8 and 9, had been sexually abused.

The 64-year-old man, who was convicted of felony murder in a federal preliminary court case, teaches the defendant in a June 16, 2012 hearing; The commander said he has decided to serve a 25-year prison sentence, warning others.

Judge Jonas Mekonnen explained that the person was found guilty of repeatedly raping the children after he admitted that he would play in my house and marry them in June 2011.

In a similar report, Commander Abdu Whedfa, a resident of the suburb of Kawa, District 6, said that the man who raped his 15-year-old stepdaughter had been sentenced to 11 years and 9 months in prison.

According to the Addis Ababa Police Commission, the head of the Addis Ababa Police Commission said it is working to protect citizens from crimes against children because they need special attention. Indicates information.

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