Assunnahschool - Assunnah Student Experience | Documentary Style Testimonials


We put together a short video of personal interviews and testimonials with some of our leaving students. May Allah (swt) reward them and keep them steadfast upon the Deen. Ameen. Primary School is an independent, selective, faith based Muslim school situated in Tottenham, North London. At Assunnah Primary School, we strive to offer a holistic Islamic tarbiyah based educational experience to our students, nurturing their spiritual, intellectual, social, physical and emotional spheres. Our aim is to ensure our students realise their full individual potential with a well grounded understanding of their ultimate aim in life, which is to seek the pleasure of their Creator through sincere submission to Him. Browse through our website to discover some of the key features of our school.
Hadith of the week EN
  • Bilal Tube

    አሚን አሚን ያ ረብ

  • Idris

    አሰላም አለይኩም ወራህመቱላሂ ወበረካቱ; ይህንን የሰራ አንችም ሆንሽ ወይንም አንተም ሆንክ; አላህ ሱብሃነወተአላ ጀነተል ፍርዶስ ያስገባችሁ; አሚን አሚን አሚን; Insha Allah I will try to help.