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  • Allahu Akber belu demtsachen be alem eyetesema newu

    by Ubah Abdusalam Seid

    ሸሂዶቻችንን ብናጣም ድምጻችን እየተሰማ ነው!! አላሁ አክበር! ባለፈው ጁምዓ (ዐርብ ሚያዚያ 19/2004) ኢትዮጵያዊያን ሙስሊሞች በአዲስ አበባ በታላቁ አንወር መስጂድ እና በልዩ ልዩ ከተሞች አሕባሽና መጅሊስን በመቃወም ያደረጉት ታላቅ ሰላማዊ እንቅስቃሴ ከፍተኛ የሚዲያ ሽፋን አግኝቷል፡፡ በዚሁ ቀን በአርሲ ዞን አሳሳ ከተማ በንጹሃን ወንድሞቻችን ላይ የተካሄደው አሳዛኝ ጭፍጨፋም ለዓለም ህዝብ ተላልፏል (ሸሂዶቻችንን አላህ የጀነት ያደርግልንና)፡፡ የኢትዮጵያዊያን ሙስሊሞችን ጉዳይ ከዘገቡት የመገናኛ ብዙሃን ተቋማትና የኢንተርኔት ድረ-ገጾች መካከል የተወሰኑት እንደሚከተለው ተዘርዝረዋል፡፡

    Original TV Report

    1. Aljazeera Arabic (broadcasted on Friday night) Original Radio Report

    2. Radio-Bilal (Broadcasted on Friday Night) Original Written Report (Full)

    3. Ethio-media (Released on Saturday 28/4/2012)

    4. On Islam (Released on Sunday 29/4/2012) Original Video Flash 1. Ethiotube (released on Friday night, the first one to be released on line) Original News Flash

    5. Ecad Forum

    6. Ze Habesha

    7. Ethiopian review ( ) Original Video Report (Full)

    8. Secondary TV broadcast

    9. ESAT TV (reproduced mainly from Radio-Bilal report) Secondary Written Reports (re-published mainly from the reports of and

    10. Websites

    10.1. 10.2. Ogaden News Agency

    10.3. OPride


    10.5. Ayyaantuu On line News

    10.6. Oromia Online News

    10.7. Ethio-Muslim Media

    10.8. Ethiopian Diaspora Forum

    10.9. Ethio-Vision

    10.10. Ogaden Today

    10.11. Ethio Sun

    10.12. Eritrean Gazette

    10.13. Somalia News Agency

    10.14. Badr Ethiopia


    10.16. Ethio-Info

    10.17. Nejashi OJ Network of Ethiopian Muslims

    10.18. Shebapost

    10.19. Ethiopatriots

    10.20. Softlayer


    10.22. Eritrea Chat Room 10.23.



    10.26. Harar.World

    10.27. Ethio-Patriots

    10.28. Ethio-Sun

    10.29. Ethio-pages

    10.30. Zena Addis

    10.31. Ethio Message Forum




    10.35. Silobreaker 10.36. Justice Date


    10.38. Bilal Communication

    10.39. Infonary

    10.40. Ethio-planet

    10.41. Awoliya Online



    10.44. Wopular

    10.45. Schema

    10.46. Tesfa News

    10.47. Bizuhnet

    10.48. GABO

    10.49. Ethio Multimedia Global Forum


    11. Blogs

    11.1. Ethiopian Law and Justice Society 11.2. Amal Mizanawi Zena

    11.3. Utubu

    11.4. Esondrea

    11.5. Ethiopian Commentary 11.6. Ethiopian Times

    11.7. Transforming Ethiopia

    11.8. ከዚህ በታች የተጠቀሱት ደግሞ ከኢትዮጵያ ቴሌቪዥንና በማይሻል ሁኔታ በሰላማዊ ተቃውሞአችን ላይ የሀሰት ፕሮፓጋንዳ የነዙ ወራዶች ናቸው፡፡





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  • report Muslims Dead in Ethiopia Ahbashism Protests BY

    ADDIS ABABA - At least seven people were reportedly killed in a new wave of Muslim protests against a government campaign to indoctrinate their community with Ahbashism ideology. “All what you see is a result of a long time oppression of Ethiopian Muslims,” Haji Abdurahman Sadiq, a Muslim community leader, told Ethiopian police shot dead seven Muslims in Assasa town in Arsi province of Oromiya regional state on Friday.Ethiopia Muslims Decry Ahbashism CampaignAl-Ahbash: Evolution and Beliefs (Q&A) Witnesses say the Muslim victims fell when Ethiopian security forces surrounded a mosque to arrest Sheikh Su'ud Aman on accusations of prompting “terrorist” ideology. When worshippers tried to stop the Sheikh's arrest, security forces opened fire, killing seven Muslims. Scores of people were also reportedly injured in the incident. The killing The killings add to the troubling relationship between Muslims and their government over what Muslims say government interference in their religious affairs. Muslims say the government is spearheading a campaign in collaboration with the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs to indoctrinate their community with the ideology of a sect called "Ahbash". The government of Ethiopian Premier Meles Zenawi has put the Ahbas in charge of the religious affairs of Ethiopia's Muslims. Muslims say the government move was in violation of the constitution, which prevents the government interference in religious affairs. Muslims also accuse the Ahbash of launching an "indoctrination program" in predominantly Muslim areas, forcing people to attend "religious training" camps or risk police interrogation and possible arrest. Muslim leaders are planning to meet Premier Zenawi to discuss the situation of their community in Ethiopia. Founded by Ethiopian-Lebanese scholar Sheikh Abdullah al-Harari, Ahbash is seen by the West as a "friendly alternative" to Wahabi ideology, which the West sees as extreme and militant. Muslims say Ahbash imams are being brought over from Lebanon to fill the Majlis and teach Ethiopians that “Wahabis” are non-Muslims. Repression Muslim leaders accuse the Ethiopian government of repressing their community on the pretext of fighting terrorism. “The government proclaimed in its constitution that it has no right to intervene in our religious affairs,” Sadiq told “At start, it has allowed Muslims to preach freely, to publish Islamic books, to build Islamic schools etc.” But all these turned into a nightmare. “We were hopeful then and thought that we were beginning a new era,” the Muslim leader said. “But as time elapsed, the government started to oppress our people brutally. The community leader said it has now become a “mission impossible” for Muslims to build a mosque in Ethiopia. “Our children couldn't express their faith freely in government-owned colleges and universities. Muslim charity organizations are falsely accused of expanding ‘Wahhabism' and closed down.“The leadership of the Majlis didn't say anything when these illegal measures were hurting the Muslim society.” Reproduced with permission from Read more
  • Al azeera English federal police in the shooting at people after Friday prayers

    AlJazeeraEnglish According to media sources in Ethiopia that five people were killed, including Muslim clerics and others were injured in a mosque area bride Ethiopia. accused the bodies of Muslim federal police in the shooting at people after Friday prayers for the opposition to the ideas of band Ethiopians entered Ethiopia recently. and continue to Muslim protests in several states against the Ethiopian what they say is a campaign to disrupt the unity of Muslims by imposing on them thought Ethiopians. report Read more
  • Breaking News Zare Arsi Asesa Mengest Bezu Muslimochn Cherese (gedele)

    Zare Arsi Asesa Mengest Bezu Muslimochn Cherese ;( Breaking News(B asasa 4 sewoch motu! Andet?)Zare k jum'a selat buha b asasa ketama yalu muslimoch tesebsebew b da'awa lay iyalu b fedral police baltaweke huneta tekebebu mnw sibalu sw falegen bemalat saweyewun liwasdut silu yaw yemi wasdubat mekneyat hulachenem and menakew nw b botaw yeneberew umma ayhonem b melat qretawun siyasama police emmedietily wede toks nw yagabut b toks arat(4) sewoch simotu wede 10 mitagut demo qoslowal. "Bemeketel demo manena yet hagar hedo nw migalut?"Insha Allah Zerzerun Radio Bilal eskemizegbew dress Le Muslimu DUaa Adregu Allah Ke weyane Gedayochna Ke Ahbashoch Tenkol Yitebken, Read more
  • one of world leading Islamic website talk about Ethiopian Ahbashism campaign

    Ethiopia Muslims Decry Ahbashism Campaign 1 2 3 4 5 (55 votes, average 4.02 out of 5) OnIslam Staff Sunday, 22 April 2012 00:00 Muslims accuse the Ahbash of launching an "indoctrination program" in predominantly Muslim areas CAIRO – Hundreds of thousands of Ethiopian Muslims have taken to the streets to protest the government's oppression on their community and interference in their religious affairs. "This is the first time I see Ethiopian Muslims united against their common enemy," Temam Mohammed, one of the protestors, told "The ‘Majlis’ leaders thought they can impose their evil policy on us by using force," he said, referring to the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs. Al-Ahbash: Evolution and Beliefs (Q&A) Thousands of Muslims protested across the capital Addis Ababa following the Friday prayers to protest the government oppression of their community. Chanting "We want our rights" and Allahu Akbar (God is Greatest), the protestors condemn government restrictions on their community. Protestors say the government is spearheading a campaign in collaboration with the Majlis to indoctrinate Muslims with the ideology of a sect called "Ahbash". The government of Ethiopian Premier Meles Zenawi has put the Ahbas in charge of the religious affairs of Ethiopia's Muslims. Muslims say the government move was in violation of the constitution, which prevents the government interference in religious affairs. Muslims also accuse the Ahbash of launching an "indoctrination program" in predominantly Muslim areas, forcing people to attend "religious training" camps or risk police interrogation and possible arrest. "They thought they can draw a line between “Sufi” and “Salafi” and fulfill the interest of Ahbash which is a deviant business motivated sect seeking to expand its empire by dividing the people," Mohammed said. "But we were fast enough to know their hidden agenda and strengthened the brotherly bond among the Muslim society. That is why you see this large mass coming here to demand its right." Founded by Ethiopian-Lebanese scholar Sheikh Abdullah al-Harari, Ahbash is seen by the West as a "friendly alternative" to Wahabi ideology, which the West sees as extreme and militant. Muslims say Ahbash imams are being brought over from Lebanon to fill the Majlis and teach Ethiopians that “Wahabis” are non-Muslims. Silenced Muslims The government, however, insists it was not interfering in the religious affairs of Ethiopian Muslims. "We have no right to intervene in the churches and mosques," Premier Zenai told the parliament last week. "We didn’t impose Ahbash ideology on the mass. All what is happening is done by the leaders of Islamic Affairs council themselves. "What we did was only teaching about our constitution. We did that because it was our duty," he said. Zenawi also defended mass arrests of Muslims, saying it was part of efforts to combat extremism in the country. "All those arrested by the security agents are part of the ‘Salafi’ school which approves that at least some ‘Salafis’ want to topple the state forcefully," he said. "We know them and we follow up them. However, this doesn’t mean all Salafis are Al-Qaeda members." But Muslim religious leaders see Zenawi's statements as a tactic to silence them. "Our request is purely about freedom of religion. We didn’t ask political power," Muslim scholars said. "He didn’t address any one of the three points we requested. But he tried to show us his wisdom about “Sufi” and “Salafi” and terrorized us by bringing a nightmare of ‘Al-Qaeda’ to our country. He did so because he wants to keep us away from raising similar questions in the future." Read more
  • የ”አልቁድስ” ጋዜጣ ከመጅሊስ የበጀት ድጋፍ እንደሚደረግለት ተገለፀ

    አዲስ አበባ ሬዲዮ ቢላል ሚያዚያ 13/2004 የመጅሊስ አመራር በህዝበ ሙስሊሙ ላይ አስከትሏቸዋል በተባሉት ችግሮች ዙሪያ በአወሊያ ተቃውሞውን እያሰማ በሚገኘው ህዝበ ሙስሊም ህዝበ መሀል ይፋ የሆነው መረጃ ነው-የአልቁዱስ ጋዜጣ ከመጅሊስ የበጀት ደጋፈ እንደ ሚያገኝ ያጋለጠው፡፡ የጋዜጣው ዝግጅት ክፍል ከቅርብ ወራት ወዲህ በተደጋጋሚ የሚያወጧቸው ዘገባዎች በህብረተሰቡ ዘንድ ውዥብር መፍጠራቸውን መዘገባችን አይዘነጋም፡፡በዚህ ሁኔታ ላይ ተመሳሳይ ችግሮች ያሉባቸውን ዘገባዎች ዛሬም ይዞ መምጣቱን የቀጠለበት የአልቅዱስ ጋዜጣ ዝግጅት ክፍል ትላንት በአወሊያ ለ12ኛ ጊዜ በተካሄደው ሰላማዊ የመብት ማስከበር ሕዝባዊ ንነቅናቄ ላይ ከመጅሊሱ ለአንድ የጁምዐ ህትመት እስከ 22ሺብር የሚደርስ የበጀት ድጋፍ እንደተደረገለት ይፋ ሆኗል ፡፡ ለአንድ ወር 88 ሺ ብር ከመጅሊስ እንደተሰጠውም ተናግሯል፡፡ ለዚህም በማስረጃነት ቀረበው የመጅሊሱ ማህተም ያረፈበት ደብዳቤ ነው፡፡ መረጃውን ይፋ ያደረገው የመፍትሄ አፈላላጊ ኮሚቴው አባልና የታሪክ ፀሀፊው አህመዲን ጀበል ነበር፡፡ የአልቁድስ ጋዜጣ ዝግጅት ክፍል የመጅሊስን ድክመት በማጋለጥ ትታወቅ የነበረ ሲሆኑ በአሁኑ ወቅት ግን ሙሉ በሙሉ የመጅሊስን አቋም የሚያንፀባርቅ መሆኑ ይታወቃል፡፡ Read more
  • A New Day Has Come!!!we fear no one except Allah

    Today (April 12/2012) the Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia spoke about our problem. Even though he tried to cheat his parliament by drawing a line between "Sufiyya" and "Wahabiyya", he indirectly admitted that the government has intervened in our religious affairs. He believed "Ahbash" is a version of Islam which the government wants. On the other hand, he undermined our questions by bringing a clumsy statistics. He said "Those who protest against the Ahbashism campaign are the Wahhabiyya who account only for 2 % of the total Muslims of the country". He interpreted our requests as a mere question of the leadership of Majlis. May brothers and sisters: All things became clear. Ahbashism is sponsored by the state. The target is not eradicate "Wahhabiyya" and strengthen "Sufiyya" as the prime minister claimed. Their demand is to weaken Islam itself. They are going to create a big chaos among Muslims. So we should expose the illegitimate act the government all over the world as much as we can. We should appeal to all Muslims of the world to help us. We should present our case to all Human rights groups we know. We should tell the conspiracy against Ethiopian Muslims to all media, press and internet networks we know. Let us intensify our peaceful struggle. Call all of our friends to the peaceful protest of Aweliya. We our Muslims. Our forefathers endured severe prosecutions for more than 8 centuries. We will follow their footstep. We don't step down our beliefs for simple fitna of Ahbash. Even though we respect the law, we don't compromise in our religious msatters. We won't fear any one except Allah. We protect Islam at anytime. Hasbunallahu Wa Ni'mal Wakil Allahu Akbar!! (P.S. Please share this post as much as you can. Jazakumulllah) Read more
  • teqlay minsiter Melses zenawi sele ahbash be parlam tenagere

    መለስ ዜናዊ ብቻውን በሚያስተዳድረው ፓርላማ የሕዝበ ሙስሊሙን ጥያቄ በራሳቸው መንገድ ተርጉሞታል በንግግሩ ውስጥ በተደጋጋሚ ሲያነሳው የነበረው አንዱን ሱፊያ አንዱን ሰለፍያ እያለ መከፋፈል ነው የማከረው በተጨማሪ ምንም በማይገናኝ መልኩ የኛን ጥያቄ በአሁን ጊዜ እንደ ግብፅ የመን ቱኒዚያ ሊቢያ ከመሳሰሉት ሀገሮች ጋር በማገናኘት እስላማዊ አስተዳደር ይፈልጋሉ ብሎ ተናግሮአል we will post the video soon Read more
  • የኢህአዴግ አመራሮችና አባላት ለሚከተሉት እምነት እላፊ ድጋፍ የሚሰጡበት ሁኔታ መኖሩ ተገለፀ

    አዲስ አበባ ሬዲዮ ቢላል ሚያዚያ 8/2004 የኢህአዴግ አመራሮችና አባላት በሚከተሉት እምነት በመንግስት በህዝብ በተሰጣቸው ኃላፊነት መካከል የሚወራውን ድንበር በማለፍ እላፊ ድጋፍ የሚሰጡበት ሁኔታ መኖሩን አንድ ሰነድ አመለከተ፡፡ በሰላምና በህገ መንግስቱ ዙሪያ ሀገራዊ መግባባት መፍጠር የዜጎችና የመንግስት መብትን ግዴታም ነው በሚል ርዕስ በቅርቡ በኢህዴግ ፅ/ቤት የወጣው ሰነድ እንዳመለከተው የድርጅቱ አመራሮችና አባላት በአንድ ወይም በሌላ መልኩ ለሚከተሉት እምነት እላፊ ድጋፍ ሲሰጡ የሚታዩበት ሁኔታ በርካታ ነው፡፡ እንደ ማሳያም በአንዳንድ አዓላት ሀገሪቱን የኃይማኖቶች መቻቻልና መከባበር ሳይሆን የፉክክርና የፍጥጫ ማዕከል እንደሆነች በሚያስመስል መልኩ ድጋፍ ሲሰጡ ይታያል ነው ያለው ሰነዱ፡፡ የጋራ የሆኑ የመንግስት አደባባዮች፣ቢሮዎች፣የሌላ ኃይማኖት ተከታይ የሆኑ መኖሪያ ቤቶችና አጥሮች ጭምር በአንድነት ምልክቶችና የሌላውን እምነት በሚነካኩ እንዲሁም ህገመንግስቱና የሰንደቅ ዓላማ በሚፃረር መልኩ ሲንፀባረቁ የሚተባበሩበት ሁኔታ መኖሩንም ጠቅሰዋል፡፡ ሰነዱ በእነዚህ ድርጊቶች ተባባሪ ከሆኑና በመጠኑ የተሸሉት ብሎ የጠቀሳቸው ደግሞ እንዲህ አይነት ድርጊቶችን ሳያስተካክሉ አጥር ጥግ ቆመው የሚመለከቱትን አመራሮችና አባላትን ነው፡፡ እናም አብሮ ማጥፋትና ሌላው ሲያጠፋ እያዩ እንዳላዩ ማለፍ ስህተት ነው ያለው ይኼው ከኢህአዴግ ጽ/ቤት የወጣው ሰነድ በሁለቱም መንገድ ጥፋቶቹ ከመፈፀም የሚገቱበት ሁኔታ አንደማይኖርም አመልክቷል፡፡ ሙስሊምና ክርስቲየን የሆኑ የኢህዴግ አባላትና አመራሮች ይህን ተከተሉ ያን አትከተሉ የሚባሉበት ሁኔታ እንደሌለም ገልፀዋል፡፡ በዚህ ረገድ ችግሩ የሚስተዋለው ከሚከተሉት እምነት ወይም የእምነት ቡድን (ሴክት) ውስጥ መቻቻልን ህገመንግስቱን የሚሸረሽሩ አዝማሚያዎች ሲንፀባረቁ ከድርጅቱ መርህና ከሀገሪቱ ህገመንግስት መንፈስ አንፃር በጥብቅ ዲሲፕሊን የማይታገሉ መሆናቸው እንደሆነ አብራርተዋል፡፡ የኢህአዴግ አባል የእምነት ነፃነት አለው ሲባል ፀረ ህገመንግስት አቋሞችን የሚያራምድ ድርጅት ወይም በኃይማኖት ሽፋን በሚያስኬድ እንቅስቃሴ ውስጥ መሳተፍ አለበት ማለት አለመሆኑን አስረድቷል፡፡ በመሆኑም በኢህዴግ አባላትና አመራሮች አቋማቸውን ሳያስተነትኑ ከሚከተሉት እምነት መሰረታዊ አስተምህሮት ፈንጠር ያሉና ፀረ ህገመንግስታዊ መግለጫ ያላቸው አቋሞችን ተላብሰው ይታያሉ ነው ያለው ሰነዱ፡፡ በዚህም መሰረት አንዳንድ የኢህዴግ አባላትና አመራሮች ኢህዴግነትንም ፀረ-ኢህአዴጋዊ አቋሞች የያዙ ቡድኖችንም የሚያንቀሳቅሱበት ሁኔታ በገሃድ እንደሚታይ ነው ሰነዱ ይፋ ያደረገው፡፡ ስለሆነም ከዚህ አንፃር የሚታዩ ክፍተቶችን ለመሙላት ግልፅነት በመፍጠር የአባላቱንና አመራሮቹን አሰላለፍ ማስተካከል እንደሚገባ ለማስተካከል የሚቸገር ደግሞ ከድርጅቱ መፅዳት እንዳለበት ነው ያመለከተው፡፡ ህገ መንግስቱ በኃይማኖት ዙሪያ ካስቀመጣቸው መርሆሆች በመነሳት በአባሉና አመራሩ ዘንድ የጋራ ግንዛቤ መፍጠርና ትግሉም ይህንኑ መሰረት ሊያደርግ እንደሚገባ ጠቅሷል፡፡ ህገ መንግስቱ ለግለሰብና ለቡድን መብቶች አስተማማኝ ጥበቃ የሰጠውን ያህል መብቶችን ለመተግበር የሚደረጉ እንቅስቃሰሴዎች መከተል የሚገቡ መርሆዎችና ዳር ድንበሮች በዝርዝር እንዳስቀመጠም ጠቅሷል ከኢህአዴግ ፅ/ቤት ለድርጅቱ አመራሮችና አባላት መወያያነት በቅርቡ የወጣው ይህው ሠነድ፡፡ Read more
  • በምስራቅ ሀረርጌ ላፕቶፕ የተጠቀሙ ዓሊሞች መታሰራቸው ተገለፀ

    አዲስ አበባ ሬዲዮ ቢላል ሚያዚያ 7/2004 በምስራቅ ሀረርጌ ኮምቦልቻ ወረዳ ላፕቶፕ የሚጠቀሙና ኪታቦችን እና ልዩ ልዩ ኢስላማዊ መፅሀፍቶችን በመኖሪያ ቤታቸው ያስቀመጡ ዓሊሞች በሽብርተኝነት ተጠርጥረው መታሰራቸው ተገለፀ፡፡ መፅሐፎቹ እየጠፉ በመቸገራቸው እና መረጃዎችን በተሻለ መንገድ ማስቀመጥ እንዳለባቸው በማመናቸው ላፕቶፖችን ገዝተው መረጃዎችን ማስቀመጣቸውን የገለፁት ዑለማዎቹ ስለተጠረጠሩበት የሽብርተኝነት ወንጀል ምንም አይነት ተሳትፎ እንደሌላቸው ነው የገለፁት በስፍራው የሚገኘው የፖሊስ ጣቢያ አዛዥ ላፕቶፕ መጠቀም አያስፈልጋቸውም በመፅሐፍ በመፅሀፍ ተጠቀሙ እንዳሏቸው ተናግረዋል፡፡ በአሁኑ ወቅት በመኖሪያ ቤታቸው የሚገኙ መፅሀፍ እና ላፕቶፕ በሙሉ እንደተወሰደባቸውም አመልክተዋል በከባድ ዛቻና ማስጠንቀቂያ እንደተለቀቁም አስረድተዋል፡፡ Read more

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