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  • አስደሳች ዜና Ethiopian Muslim be Washington DC yesedeqa ena ye andenet program akahedu

    አስደሳች ዜና
    በዋሽንግተን ዲሲ ና አካባቢው የሚኖሩ ኢትዮጽያዊያን ሙስሊሞች ታላቅ የዓንድነትና የሰደቃ ፕሮግራም አካሄዱ። በዚህ ከአንድ ሺህ በላይ የሚሆኑ በዋሽንግተን ዲሲ ና አካባቢው የሚኖሩ ሙስሊሞች የተሳተፉበት ፕሮግራም በሃገር ቤት መንግስት በሙስሊሞች ላይ የሚያደርሰውን በደልና ግፍ ከማውገዝ በተጨማሪ የህዝበ ሙስሊሙ ጥያቄ ሙሉ በሙሉ ምላሽ እስኪያገኝ ድረስ ትግሉን እንደማያቆም ገልጾል። ዛሬ ቅዳሜ ጁላይ 28 በተካሄደው በዚሁ ፕሮግራም ላይ በእስር ላይ ለሚገኙ ወንድሞችና እህቶች አላህ ከጨቆኞች እስር ነጻ እንዲያወጣቸው እንዲሁም በፖሊስ ድብደባና ጭስ ለተጎዱ ወገኖች አላህ አፊያቸውን እንዲመልስላቸው ዱአ ተደርጎል። ከዚሁ ጋር በተያያዘ በአሜሪካ የሚገኙት በድር ኢትዮጽያ፣ ፈርስት ሂጅራ፣ ነጃሽ የፍትህ ካውንስል እና ሰላም ፋውንዴሽን በጋራ ለመስራት የኢትዮጽያ ሙስሊም ቅንጅት መስርተዋል። ቅንጅቱም የመጀመሪያ የጋራ ስራ ያደረገው ታላቅ ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ በአሜሪካ ስቴት ዲፓርትመንት ፊት ለፊት ሀሙስ ኦገስት 2 ያካሂዳል። ኢንሻአላህ በቀጣይም ቅንጅቱ የታሰሩ እንዲፈቱና የሙስሊሙ መሰረታዊ መብት እንዲከበር ከፍተኛ የሆነ ሰላማዊ ትግሉን አጠናክሮ ይቀጥላል። Read more
  • Amnesty International Criticizes Ethiopian Gov't Over Rights Violations Against Muslim Protesters

    Widespread violations feared in clampdown on Muslim protests Amnesty International is concerned over the fate of scores of Muslim protestors arrested in Ethiopia during July. The arrests took place in the context of ongoing protests against alleged government restrictions on freedom of religion in the country. The detainees are at risk of torture and other ill-treatment, and there have been numerous reports of beatings in detention against those arrested. Some detainees have been held in incommunicado detention since their arrest without access to family members, often in unknown locations. Amnesty International is further concerned at widespread reports of the beating of protestors during demonstrations, and other examples of excessive use of force by the police during the arrests and the dispersal of protests, resulting in many injuries to protestors. Those arrested in July include members of a committee of representatives selected by the Muslim community to represent their grievances to the government and at least one journalist. Amnesty International fears that the arrests of community leaders, protestors and others in the Muslim community, and the pending charges against certain individuals, are based on their lawful exercise of the right to freedom of expression and the right to organize and participate in peaceful protests. Addis Ababa’s Muslim community has staged regular peaceful protests throughout 2012 over grievances including an alleged government-backed effort to impose the teachings of the minority Al Ahbash sect of Islam on the majority community, and government interference in elections for the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs. Ethiopia’s Constitution prohibits state involvement in religious affairs. The protests have regularly attracted large numbers of people over the last six months.

    On 13 July a police operation targeted a gathering at the Awalia Mosque and Islamic school compound, in north-west Addis Ababa. The gathering was reportedly discussing further protests and also planning and preparing for a Sadaqah (charity) event two days later, to distribute food to people living in poverty. On entering the compound, police are alleged to have used excessive force against those present, beating many men and women in the compound and made numerous arrests.

    The same evening, in response to news spreading about the events at Awalia, large numbers of people headed towards Awalia. Witnesses estimate several thousand tried to reach the compound. But the roads were blocked by police and violence flared between police and protestors. Protestors allege that police again used excessive force including beating protestors. Several sources say that police fired live ammunition, resulting in some serious injuries among the protestors.

    Large numbers of those on their way to Awalia were arrested. The government confirmed that over 70 people had been detained on 13 July. Protestors and witnesses reported numbers of between 100 and 1,000 people arrested. Those detained were taken away in large military- style trucks. Detainees were first transported to Kolfe Keranyo police station, and later transferred to police stations closer to their respective homes, according to reports. Many of those detained have alleged widespread beating of detainees inside the police stations. One woman reported that she had been subjected to sexual violence by a police officer during the night of 13 July.

    A large proportion of the detainees were released without charge after one or two days’ detention. However, many continue to be detained. Several members of the Awalia student council are reported to be detained in Maikelawi federal police detention centre in Addis Ababa, notorious for the use of torture against detainees during interrogation, as documented on numerous occasions by Amnesty International. Whilst the family of one detainee has been able to have contact with their relative, the families of the other members of the student council say they have not been permitted to contact or visit their relatives, in violation of the right of all detainees to have access to family members.

    Other detainees arrested at Awalia on 13 July are reportedly being held in incommunicado detention without access to family members, in unknown locations. Ethiopia’s Criminal Procedure Code demands that all arrested persons are brought before a court within 48 hours to challenge the legality of the detention. Further, incommunicado detention, without access to family members and legal representatives increases detainees’ risk of being subjected to torture or other forms of ill-treatment.

    Between 19 and 21 July, members of the committee of chosen representatives of the Muslim community were arrested, including Chairman Abubakar Ahmed, Spokesperson Ahmedin Jebel and committee members Kamil Shemsu, Sultan Aman, Adem Kamil, Jemal Yasim and Meket Muhe. The Committee members are reported to be detained in Maikelawi and are therefore at risk of torture or other forms of ill-treatment. 

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  • ‎**** ግልጽ ደብዳቤ ለሳሞራ ዩኑስ ****

    ይድረስ ለኢትዮጵያ ኢታማዦር ሹም ሳሞራ ዩኑስ በመጀመሪያ የማክበር ሰላምታዬን እያቀረብኩኝ ለጤናዎ አንደምን አሉ እላለሁኝ። በመቀጠልም እርሶ እና የትግል ጓዶ ጫካ በመግባት የታገላችሁለት አንዱ አላማ የእምነት ነጻነት ለማረጋገጥ ነበር። ይህንን የእምነት ነጻነት ለማስከበር እነ ቀሽ ገብሬን የመሳሰሉ ከ60,000 በላይ ሰራዊት መስዕዋት ሆነዋል። ዳሩ ግን አሁን እየፈጸማችሁት የለው ነገር ከታገላችሁለት አላማ ውጪ ነው እንዲያውም በተቃራኒው ነው።
    ወደ ዋናው ቁም ነገር ስገባ እርሶ በከባድ ሃላፊነት ቦታ ላይ የሚገኙ ሙስሊም የጦር አዛዥ ኖት ፤ በተለይም በአሁኑ ሰአት የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ባልተረጋጋበት ሁኔታ ላይ ከባድ ተጽዕኖ ማሳደር የሚችሉ ባለስልጣን ኖት። እንደሚታወቀው በአሁኑ ሰዐት እኛ የኢትዮጵያ ሙስሊሞች መብታችን ተገፎ ብሎም በእስር እየተሰቃየን እና እየተገደልን እንደምንገኝ የአደባባይ ሚስጥር ነው። በተለይም ሙስሊሙ ማህበረሰብ የሚተማመኒባቸው ኡለሞች፣ ዱአቶች፣ ባለሃብቶች እና ሙህሮች በእስር ክፉኛ እየማቀቁ ይገኛሉ።
    በጣም የሚያሳዝነኝ እርሶ የህን ኢስላምን ከኢትዮጵያ የማጥፋት ዘመቻን ዝም ብለው ማየቶ ነው። እንዴት ሙስሊም ሙስሊም ላይ ይጨክናል፤ በኢትዮጵያ ሙስሊም ታሪክ ውስጥ ታሪክ ሲወቅሶ የሚኖር ጥቁር ነጥብ አያሳረፉ መሆኖትን አይዘንጉት። ሳስቦት እርሶ አሁን በዕድሜዮት መባቻ ላይ ነው የሚገኙት፤ ታድያ እንዴት ሰው ከአላህ መጋናኛው በቀረበ ሰዐት ለአላህ ዲን(ኢስላም) ጠላት ይሆናል ነገ አላህ ፊት ለኢስላም ምን ሰራሁ ሊሉ ነው? 
    እኔ ግን አሁን አንድ ነገር ልምከርዎ ፤ እስከ ዛሬ ለኢስላም አንድ የሚታይ ነገር አንዳልሰሩ ግልጽ ነው። ነገር ግን አሁን ሙስሊሙ ኡማ በተቸገረበት ቀውጢ ሰዐት ታሪክ በኩራት ሲዘክሮ የሚኖር ነገር መስራት ይችላሉ ይኸውም እየተደረገብን ያለውን ግፍ በመቃወም እንዲቆም የበኩሎን ጥረት ማድረግ ይችላሉ። አለበለዚያ ግን ነገ ማንም ሰው በማይበደልበት የቂያም ቀን 40 ሚልዮን ህዝብ ይፋረዶታል። በመጨረሻ አላህ ቅኑን ጎዳና እንዲመሮት አለምነዋለሁኝ። 
    ከሰላምታ ጋር
    መህዲ ማይልስ
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  • የመፍትሔ አፈላላጊ ኮሚቴ አባላት ቢታሰሩም ተቃዉሞዉ አልተቋረጠም <

    ለጁመዓ ጸሎት በአዲስ አበባዉ የአንዋር መስጊድና በአካባቢው የተሰባሰቡ በብዙ ሽህዎች የሚገመቱ የእስልምና እምነት ተከታዮች ዛሬም ተቃዉሞአቸዉን አካሄደዋል

    አስራ ሰባቱም ሙስልም ማህበረሰብ መፍትሔ አፈላላጊ ኮሚቴ አባላትና በርካታ የእምነነቱ ተከታዮች ካለፈዉ ሳምንት ጀምሮ መተሰራቸዉ ይታወቃል። ለጁመዓ ጸሎት   በአዲስ አበባዉ የአንዋር መስጊድና በአካባቢው የተሰባሰቡ በብዙ ሽህዎች የሚገመቱ የእስልምና እምነት ተከታዮች ዛሬም ተቃዉሞአቸዉን አካሄደዋል። አፋቸዉ እንደተሸበበ በማመልከትና እጆቻቸዉን የፊጢኝ ወደሁዋላ በማሰር መልክና ሌሎች ምልክቶች ጭምር ተቃዉሞአቸዉን እንደገለጹ ተመልክቶአል።


    የፌድራል ፖሊስ ኮምሽን ዳይሬክተር ጄኔራል ወርቅነህ ገበየሁ ሰሞኑን ለመንግስት የመገናኛ ብዙኃን በሰጡት መግለጫ በቁጥጥር ሥር በዋሉት የመፍትሔ አፈላላጊ ኮሚቴ አባላት ተጀመረ ያሉትን እንቅስቃሴ ከአክራሪነት ጋር የተያያዘ ብለውታል።

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  • በአፉር ክልል በዳዌ ወረዳ ከጁምአ ሰላት ቡሀላ ኮሚቴዎቻችን እና ወንድሞቻችን ከእስር ይፈቱልን በማለት ተቃዉሟቸዉን አሰሙ

    ድምፃችን ይሰማ
    በአፉር ክልል በዳዌ ወረዳ ከጁምአ ሰላት ቡሀላ ህዝበ ሙስሊሙ በዳዌ መስጂድ በከፍተኛ ሁኔታ

    በተክቢራ ተቃዉሟቸዉን ሲያሰሙ እንደነበር የአካባቢዉ ምንጮች አስታወቁ:: በመስጂዱ

    እጅግ በርካታ ሙስሊም የተገኘ ሲሆን መብታችን ይከበር የመረጥናቸዉ

    ኮሚቴዎቻችን እና ወንድሞቻችን ከእስር

    ይፈቱልን በማለት ተቃዉሟቸዉን

    ማሰማታቸዉን ምንጮች ዘግበዎል::

    በተጨማሪም የወረዳዉ ሙስሊሞች

    በኢትዮጲያ ሙስሊሞች ላይ እየደረሰ ያለዉን

    መከራ አላህ እንዲያስቆም ዱአ አድርገዎል::

    አላሁ አክበር!!
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  • Sheik Jamal of Seattle 'killed' in Ethiopia

    SEATTLE - Longtime Seattle resident Sheik Mohamed Hussein Mohamed, "aka" sheik Jamal of Seattle, died suddenly on July 19 in Ethiopia and relatives feared he was killed. Following is a report by friends of the deceased elder:

    Sheik Jamal left Seattle on July 17 , 2012 for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to spend Ramadan with his significant others back home. He safely arrived at Bole International airport on July 19, 2012 at 7:45 AM.

    Sheik Jamal left Addis for Galamso town in the Eastern part of the country. He rented a private mini bus and left Addis same day. Our sources further confirmed that there were only three people inside the mini bus: the deceased, the driver and an assistant driver. A few miles away from their destination, the driver and his assistant brought the dead body of Sheik Jamal to Galamso hospital. They said: "He passed away due to abrupt "heart attack"."

    As soon as we heard the rumors of his death, we contacted the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa and informed them about the death of a U.S citizen. The embassy officials and Galamso town police ordered Sheik Jamal's body be transferred over to Addis Ababa Menelik Hospital for autopsy. Here, we confirmed from close family members that sheik Jamal suffered broken nose, scratches around his neck and other parts of his body. We further learned that there was a police officer who was riding with them beside the driver and his assistant. We learned that the driver and his assistant are under Galamso town police custody. The police officer who was believed to be riding with them is not arrested for unexplained reason. The hospital told family members that the autopsy resulted will be issued in two weeks and the honorable sheik's body was transported bac

    k to Bordode town and rested.

    Our community members in Seattle are heart-broken due to this tragedy. We are appealing to all concerned authorities, media outlets and human rights advocates in order to pass around this news and take the initiative of reaching out to the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa, the office of Washington State senators and Ethiopian Police commission in order to figure out the legitimate cause of Sheik Jamal's unfortunate death.

    The deceased Sheik was among active organizers and participants a recent Seattle Ethiopian Muslims demonstration 

    against the Assassa town massacre of innocent civilians. - An African-American news and views website. 
    Copyright 2012 

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  • nege 27/7/2012 be Ethiopia Wqetawi guday lay be Dubai talaq sebseba endal tenegere

    Nege J:umua be U.A.E yeminoru Ethiopian muslimoch ethiopia wust Muslimoch lay betekesetew talak ye mengist chekona ena gife betemeleket talak wuyiyit indemidereg Billal Tube yanaegagerachew yesebisebaw teriwoch gelisewal , bezihm lay akilew indegelesut ye akuwam megelecha endemisetu yitebekal. ye Billal tube zegabim sibisebaw lay bemegegnet mulu zegebawun yakeribal inshaallah.   Read more
  • Aljezzera Report that Ethiopian Mejilis Received Around 280 Million Ethiopian Birr for launching Ahbashizim.

    Muslims accused the Government of Ethiopia Addis Ababa being responsible for the ongoing unrest there, by encouraging a group known as the Ethiopians, "Association of Islamic Charitable Projects" and promote the ideas described Bagma center of the Muslims of Ethiopia, but the government denies the charges altogether. 

    The head of the Business Association Charitable Abu Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Ali in a statement to the island that the Ethiopian authorities are trying to sow discord among the Muslims to achieve political goals, but millions demonstrations Re goal attempts abortion "unconstitutional" as he put it. 

    And pose head of the charity Ethiopian conspiracy theory, saying that "The Muslims of Ethiopia between teeth three are: government interference in their religious affairs, and its cooperation with the group Abyssinian, and defend the Islamic Supreme Council Ethiopian them," stated that the Islamic Supreme Council received about 280 million Ethiopian birr ( U.S. $ 15.5 million) for the launch of the Ethiopians by a group of Muslims. 

    Andesa breadth and expected protests if the government does not back down from their positions (the island) 
    Attempts to resolve 
    In an attempt to quell the crisis before it decided to flash Muslims Ethiopia in December / December last to open a direct dialogue with the government to contain the crisis, the government - and the story of Sheikh Ali - refused to receive representatives of the Muslims and ignored. 

    Media activist said first and Andesa the island, "demonstrations erupted eight months ago in Addis Ababa, and several cities are still ongoing, because the government ignored the demands of Muslims," ​​did not rule out the expansion of protests if the government does not back down from their positions, which he described aggressive. 

    He summarized the Andesa and the factors that led to tension situations intervention in religious affairs authorities and the high literacy rate among young people, and use of social networking, and the impact of the Arab revolutions, in addition to widespread poverty and unemployment, marginalization and restrictions on public freedoms. 

    However, Sheikh Khaled Abu downplayed the impact of revolutions on the Arab arena Ethiopian, and stressed that the primary motivation which drives the Muslims is their defense of Islam, believing that this is the secret of the Ethiopian police use of force against the demonstrators. 

    The government denied 
    Ethiopian authorities for its part, strongly denies the accusations against them by Muslims, interfering in the affairs of their religion, and to park behind the wave of protests that racked in Addis Ababa and other Ethiopian cities. 

    He denied government spokesman Shi Mlessa Kamal, the use of police lacrimal gas to disperse the demonstrators, while the government accuses the organizers of the demonstrations in connection to al Qaeda, and says the elements are masked in the ranks of the demonstrators, and incite violence. 

    The government denies their relationship to group Ethiopians and to promote its principles, but it confirms its intention to prevent any spillover of what it calls the "Islamic militancy" of Sudan, Somalia, neighboring, and accuses the demonstrators to use religion as political cover for a coup against the government and undermine the stability and security of the country and the establishment of an Islamic state. 

    Sheikh Ali: The government refused to receive representatives of the Muslims and ignored their demands (the island) 
    Muslim demands 
    The Abu Khalid that the demands of the Muslims of Ethiopia are summarized in four points: stop government interference in religious affairs of Muslims, and the selection of members of the Supreme Council of Muslims, and non-government interference in the affairs of the mosque initial Addis Ababa, and sparing group Ethiopians for their methods, which raised the ire of Muslims. 

    Ethiopian Muslims and refused all charges against them by the official authorities, and stressed Muslim activists of the island, their attachment to their religion and not giving up the Islamic him, whatever the circumstances. 

    Islamists and Ethiopian activists confirms their intention to continue the peaceful protests in various cities and villages in their areas of government to respond to their legitimate demands and provided for in the Ethiopian Constitution. 

    Source: Al Jazeera
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  • speak about Ethiopian Muslim( Analysts warn that the government harassment of Muslims risks stoking civil revolt in Ethiopia)


    The iron-fist policies of Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and harassment of the Muslim minority are fueling radicalization in Ethiopia and risk stoking civil revolt in the country, analysts agree.

    “Heeding the demands of the protesters can resolve the issue,” Hassen Hussein, a human rights activist and assistant professor of leadership and management at St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, toldThe Washington Times on Wednesday, July 25.

    Protests have rocked Ethiopia over the past weeks over government interference in the religious affairs of Ethiopian Muslims.

    Last week, four Muslims were killed when Ethiopian police stormed into a mosque in the capital Addis Ababa to disrupt preparations for a city-wide program called Sadaqa (feast).Police also tried to storm the Anwar Mosque in the west of the capital on Saturday, prompting Muslims to gather to block their way in.

    A week earlier, scores of Muslims were arrested after staging protests against government interference in their religious affairs.

    In April, four Muslims were also killed in clashes with police in southern Ethiopia in protest at the arrest of a Muslim preacher.

    Muslims say the government is spearheading a campaign in collaboration with the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs to indoctrinate their community with the ideology of a sect called "Ahbash".

    The government of Ethiopian Premier Meles Zenawi has put the Ahbash in charge of the religious affairs of Ethiopia's Muslims.

    Muslims say the government move is in violation of the constitution, which prevents the government interference in religious affairs.

    Muslims also accuse the Ahbash of launching an "indoctrination program" in predominantly Muslim areas, forcing people to attend "religious training" camps or risk police interrogation and possible arrest.

    Founded by Ethiopian-Lebanese scholar Sheikh Abdullah al-Harari, Ahbash is seen by the West as a "friendly alternative" to Wahabi ideology, which the West sees as extreme and militant.

    Muslims say Ahbash imams are being brought over from Lebanon to fill the Majlis and teach Ethiopians that “Wahabis” are non-Muslims.

    Muslims make up about 34 percent of Ethiopia’s population.

    African Spring

    Analysts warn that the government harassment of Muslims risks stoking civil revolt in Ethiopia as happened in the Arab world.

    “The protesters know that they have the support of the majority of the population so long as their demand is for civil liberties and democratic freedoms,” Hassan Hussein, an Ethiopian human rights activist, told The Washington Times.

    “Other sectors could press similar demands, and it might escalate into calls for regime change as has happened in the Arab Spring.”

    Complicating the risks are reports about the health of the Ethiopian premier, who was last seen in public several weeks ago appearing thinner than usual.

    Last week, Communications Minister Bereket Simon said Zenawi’s health condition “is very good and stable”, but declined to go into specifics.

    Opposition websites, however, say Zenawi, who has been in power since 1991, is terminally ill with brain cancer.

    Jawar Mohammed, an analyst on Ethiopian affairs, said information from the Ethiopian government on Zenawi’s health and whereabouts is “conflicting and confusing.”

    “All indications show that he has not been in charge of the state at least for a month,” he said.

    “He has not been responding to the Muslim protests either.

    “While the government claims that Meles will resume his duties soon, most people believe that the regime is just buying time for orderly succession.” Read more
  • በአሜሪካ ታላቅ የአንድነት የሰደቃና የዱዓ ፕሮግራም ሊያከናውኑ መሆኑ ታውቀ ,ፕሮግራምን ለመዘገብ አልጀዚራ ቢቢሲ ሲኤንኤን ቪኦኤ ዶቼ ዌሌ ይገኛሉ

    በአሜሪካ የሚኖሩ ኢትዮጲያዊያን ሙስሊሞች መጪው ቅዳሜ ጁላይ 28 በዋሺንግተን ታላቅ የአንድነት የሰደቃና የዱዓ ፕሮግራም ሊያከናውኑ መሆኑ ታውቋል፡፡ ይኸው በአሜሪካ የሚገኙ በርካታ የኢትዮጵያውያን ሙስሊሞች ማህበራት በጋራ ያዘጋጁት ፕሮግራምን ለመዘገብ አልጀዚራ ቢቢሲ ሲኤንኤን ቪኦኤ ዶቼ ዌሌና ሌሎችም ዐለም አቀፍ ሚዲያዎች እንደሚገኙ የታወቀ ሲሆን በኢትዮጲያ ሙስሊሞች ላይ መንግስት እያደረሰ ያለውን ግፍና በደል ለዐለም ህብረተሰብ የማሳወቅ ትልቅ ሚና ይኖረዋል ተብሎ ይጠበቃል፡፡ መንግስት የሙስሊሙን ጥያቄ ከመመለስ ይልቅ ኮሚቴዎቻችንንና ሌሎችም በርካታ ንጹሐን ዜጎችን ለእስር መዳረጉን በማውገዝ በመጪው ሳምንት ታላቅ የተቃውሞ ሰልፍ ለማድረግ ውሳኔ ያደረጉ ሲሆን በዚሁ ፕሮግራም ላይም ቀኑ በትክክል መቼ እንደሚሆን 
    ይወሰናል ተብሎ ይጠበቃል፡፡ አላሁ አክበር!
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