
Al Jazeera Breaking News || Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam



The Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam has been cleared for water.

According to Shire Abdulrahim, Director General of the Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State for Employment Innovation and Enterprise Development Agency, The state has taken over 1,000 hectares of land to be leased by enterprises from the Ethiopian Electric Power and commenced its clearing operation yesterday.

He said two thousand members of enterprises have entered into work to complete the forest clearing project in less than a month.

He said the agency is closely monitoring the filtration process so that the health, security and other groups have joined the enterprises conducting the cleanup. According to ENA, the budget and other resources needed for the enterprise have been provided. According to the Director General, the work has been undertaken with a budget of 32.1 million birr. Enterprises that started taking part in forest clearing on their part said they are ready to complete the work in a short time.

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