Advicer2000 - Don't get Angry, Islamic solution P3 dimashqiah دمشقية.wmv


Don't get Angry, Islamic solution P3 dimashqiah دمشقيةDon't Get Angry - Islamic solution against anger&rewads P1 dimashqiahFariday sermon 12 March 2010Dr. Sheikh Abdul Rahman dimashqiahAnger: Its harms, physically, socially and religiously.This sermon explores harms of anger, and suggests the Islamic remedy&solution for anger, it further outlines the Islamic rewards to those who struggle against it.لا تغضب. خطبة جمعة للشيخ عبد الرحمن دمشقية تضمنت أضار الغضب الجسدية والاجتماعية والدينية. وتعرض الحل الاسلامي والثواب العظيم لمن ترك الغضب.
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