
Zim Alelm || Ustaz Abubeker Ahmed



Family 19 Assault Confirmed by Cov 19

Information shows that children are being abused from close family members, such as birds during the time when schools are closed and schools are closed. Ethiopian artists and influencers are protesting the sexual assault of women and children on social media and social media under the theme "I will not be silent." (Listen to the story of American Voice Eden

Petition‎ link :-https://avaaz.org/en/community_petiti...

I appeal to the government by signing this form to protect me and my children from the abusive practices of raping women! Recognizing that this form is a serious human rights violation of rape and sexual violence, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia shall, under Article 620 (1), Article 620 (2) (a), Article 620 (3), Article I am requesting 626 (1) and (4a) to be amended.


* I request that the maximum penalty for rape and sexual assault be increased from 20 years imprisonment to a maximum life sentence and include a fine.

* I am requesting an amendment to raise the maximum penalty of life imprisonment to death, if the offense inflicts on women and men.


Addis Mieraf
  • Intisar reshad

    ዝም አልልም ይህንን ሰይጣናዊ ተግባር ሚፈፅሙ ሁሉ በ ሞት እስኪቀጡ ድረስ